Saturday, 28 May 2011

Pollen Really Bad

For all you allergy sufferers out there like me, the pollen is out in Muskoka, sadly. There's yellow dust covering everything, everywhere. This includes my little weekend painting project that is still out on the back deck thanks to work stoppages caused first by the rain (a.k.a Victoria Day Long Weekend) and now by the pollen. Love the lilacs, but really starting hate what they represent.

Went for a long walk this morning and there are still no bugs to speak of here in (usually) sunny Bala - maybe its too cold?!?

Water's UP Again - What's UP With That?

Water levels on the Moon are up almost as high as they have been all season - Scott is starting to worry about the docks - if the water goes much higher, the ramps could buckle. We've had rain, but it hasn't been that much rain, its been grey and misty a lot of the time. Mind you, I come from Vancouver, my threshold is different that others in this part of the country.

Wet Spring

Happy to report that all customer docks were in before the Victoria Day long weekend.  Had to wait until the water levels came down just a bit, which as always, the water was down by the in time the cottagers started to arrive for the long weekend.

It was gorgeous in Muskoka on Friday (for anyone lucky enough to have the extra day off) and Saturday - but the rain returned for Sunday and Monday.  Minimal bugs on the sunny side of the river but others are complaining that they are really bad in other parts of Muskoka.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Normal Spring Water Levels

Just in case you were thinking it is time to put in the dock and the boat, the water levels on the Moon have finally gone up to near normal spring levels - up at least 2 feet from a week ago.  Had to put on hip-waders to get to the tin boat parked at the dock at the cottage on Friday.  More rain expected this week, so water levels have probably not peaked yet. 

The dock box in this photo floated away a couple of hours later - rescued before it went too far.  This is a good time to check to see what you have stored at the waterfront - are there things too close that could be carried away if the water goes up any further?

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Happy Birthday 13 Year Old

The sun came out for the best day of the year so far in Muskoka - and it was Kyle's birthday too!! A new bike topped the birthday present list - and quite a lot of cash that is burning a hole in his pocket. A day spent at the Bala skateboard park with some friends. A visit from Kristin & Will. New faviourite dinner of pulled pork sandwiches on the menu for dinner and ice cream birthday cake. What could be better than that?

And then, almost 9 years from the day it was constructed ... the playground was dismantled and taken away. Not sad for the birthday boy but quite sad for Mom because of what it means - I'm the mom of a teenager - yikes!!